This whole idea of worship in motion started with this thought. The world is full of churches, and worship CD's, and lots of worshp bands, and practically a pop culture of worship, which is great don't get me wrong, but there has to be more. So here's the call, what if we took control of this pop culture and made it somthing with some blood and guts. In this day and age God is looking for a radical response for these radical times. I believe it's time for the breath of God to invade our bones and provoke us to do somthing that will change this planet, thus My Worship in Motion. It's a thought how can I live my worship out? How can I rebrand my area with the presence of God.
A few months me and a friend who is the youth pastor at church of the highlands were talking about this. We were in the midst of planning another retreat for our student ministries, and somthing hit us, we had done dozens and dozens of these retreats, retreats are powerful because you get to seperate yourself and get away from normal life for a few days and really encounter God in a unique way, but we were both like there must be somthing fresh, somthing new. An idea hit us what if instead of retreating we advanced and we did somthing bold and out loud. So we planned this day called MOTION, hundreds of young people overflowed the streets of birmingham, we took our worship to the streets and actually did somthing with it. We put it into motion we served a number of different orginizations around the city painting houses, picking up trash, reaching out to homeless people, reaching out to broken kids,. We lived our faith out boldy, and I believe the heart of God was jolted.
Another friend of ours, his name is Bryan, check out abyranphoto.com. He is by far the most outstanding photographer around. A few weeks ago was able to go to South Africa with none other than Hanson(yes the MmBop boys) and what they did in 2 weeks was more than most churches do at all. They partnered with TOMS shoes and gave thousands of them away to orphanages and schools, Well while bryan was visiting a local school there, he experienced a reality check in a moving way. The conditions of the school were in much need. So bryan was so moved with compassion that he decided he had to do react in his worship. Within a few days Bryan raised $15,000.00. to help purchase new supplies and computers(you can check it all out on his blog). Across an ocean bryan made more of an impact with his worship in motion, than most churches and people do in their own communities.
Here's all i'm saying I am ridiculously blessed and I have so much. I want my worship to Roar, and make the gates of Hell tremble. So I am in search of what I can do to make my worship live out loud, whatever it may be, I want it to compell others to move. May this freedom that we have been given, provoke us to never become satisfied with the average, and may it charge us to do something provacative in this world. So that all eyes turn to the cross. What is your worship in motion? find it and live it!